
  • Wrapping My Noodle Around Nostrudel

    Nostrudel is a feature packed client that gathers some of the best tools Nostr has to offer in one place.

  • LNBits Nostr Relay

    I just can’t stop singing the praises of LNBits. Recently, I wrote about LNBits’ Nostr Market. Now, I’m thrilled to bring to your attention their LNBits Nostr Relay plugin. We’ve discussed what Nostr Relays are in our post titled ‘What are Nostr Relays?’ Check it out if you need to get up to speed. LNBits…

  • What Is LNBits ? – And How-To …

    I find myself mentioning LNBits in much of my writing lately, often assuming that the reader knows what I’m talking about. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea to explain what it is and how to set up LNBits for yourself. What is LNBits? This is the easy part.…